Where have I been, dear readers? Well, I got my tongue pierced on Thursday so I’ve been sort of under the weather while I wait for the swelling to go down (at which time I’ll take a picture, natch). Podcasting has been out of the question but I expect to catch up with that soon. I’ve got a list of short tidbits, though, and it goes a little something like this:
* I just discovered Balthazar B, Man of His Words. This man seems quite brilliant and sexy and wonderful and not updating for the past few weeks. I hope he comes back because finding a hot new blog that is already a dead old blog is so depressing. . .
* A bit of a dialogue has formed between Melissa Gira (aka, Sexiest Podcaster in the World) and I on this question of “fake women.” Touch My Blog has stepped into the discussion with . And while not directly related, I think that the is weighing in on the issue as well when she writes today about the “anti-feminine feminist bitch”.
* I’ve been desperately searching for Chanukah porn and the best I have been able to find (despite the hysterics of this article) is at the Yarmulkebra Website. Looks like I’ll be making my own, I can’t believe no one has tried to serve this market before!
If you've wondered what it would be like to get me on the phone, no need to wonder anymore!
No Response for "My mouth is way over-producing saliva right now"
Hey Ellie,
Two things. First, thanks for the link. It’s is much appreciated. Second, I wanted to check out the dialogue, but it seems that two of your links are broken. Specially, the links to “a dialogue” & “fake women.” Just thought I’d give you a heads up. Best,
Jaq, thanks for letting me know. It looks like the whole domain was down for a few minutes but it just started working for me again. Try the links out another time and let me know if you still can’t see them. – ellie
Good luck with the tongue piercing… I have known a couple people who have had bad luck with them.
I look forward to your next podcast, whenever time and tongue allow.
It is going quite well, thanks for the kind thoughts. -ellie
Er, ah, as a closet voyeur of the Female Mysogynist and purveyor of pierced tongues in a hetero sort of way, can you enlighten Poldark MAximus as to the enti-feminine bitch aspects of this endeavor? There is clearly the same Physical benefit whoever/whatever the recipient may be, but is there more to it that meets the tongue?
The anti-feminine bitch aspects of tongue piercing? I’m not really sure there is one. Although maybe I’m not following your question. Clarify? – ellie
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