I’ve been lucky to get to know recently and I was so sad today to hear that she is being put into a very difficult place by the conservative administration of her child’s private school. An administrator that isn’t happy with her lifestyle is trying to stop her little girl from attending the school by tacking exorbitant fees onto the tuition bill that is due in a matter of days. Catalina isn’t asking for handouts but she has some great friends, like , who are donating prizes to a raffle. The proceeds will go to her daughter’s tuition bill and you will have a chance to win some very valuable and beautiful prizes. .

Edited to add: You will now see that I’ve added some prizes into the mix. I’m giving away some great books from my personal library as well as a complimentary phone session. So, there are now more than half a dozen prizes, your chances for winning just keep increasing!

Edit #2: There are A LOT more awesome prizes. Seriously, check it out!